“What’s the difference between a successful photographer and one who struggles?”

My response: “The sheer determination to persevere through the tough parts” I call this the “Power of Determination.” I introduced this concept to my oldest son two decades ago when he asked about superhero powers. I told him that we all have power. Of course, the conversation didn’t end there, because he asked, “what’s my power?”, I responded, you have a really good one, you have the “Power of Determination” And while I like that story, there is more to the answer of, “What’s the difference a successful photographer and one who struggles?” and that’s knowing the difference between what is ‘good’ and what is ‘right’ for your individual situation.

One truth

One truth we all know about business is that it isn’t easy, but it is also true that we are often the cause of it being harder than it has to be.

Your ideal future begins… now.

My friends

My friends here’s what I ask of you,

  1. Have the guts to fail
  2. Exercise your “Power of Determination”
  3. Commit to weekly improvement by watching “Portrait Profits”

In business, ‘failure’

“In business, ‘failure’ is a part of the process. Your path IS hard; it is your perseverance that is the differentiator between you and the photographers that make up the ‘crowd’ that you want to stand out from.”